| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Index Map | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Notes | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 1: Big Mushamush Lake | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 10: Shingle Lake | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 11: Ten Mile Lake | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 2: Card Lake | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 3: Christopher Lakes | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 4: Dauphinees Mill Lake | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 5: Lake Rossignol | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 6: McGowan Lake / Dean Lake | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 7: Molega Lake | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 8: Ponhook Lake | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Route 9: Seven Mile Lake | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Lake Routes: Additional lake suggestions | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Notes | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 1: Aspotogan | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 10: Ragged Harbour | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 11: Tancook Islands | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 2: Blue Rocks | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 3: Chester Islands | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 4: LaHave Islands | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 5: Lunenburg | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 6: Mahone Bay (Indian Point area) | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 7: Medway Harbour | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 8-1: Port Joli Harbour | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 8-2: Kejimkujik Seaside | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Ocean Route 9: Port Mouton | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Notes | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 1-1: Lahave River | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 1-2: Lahave River | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 2: North Branch LaHave | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 3: West Branch LaHave | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 4-1: Medway River (McGowan Lake to South Brookfield) | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 4-2: Medway River (Greenfield to below Bangs Falls) | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 4-3: Medway River (Buggy Hole to Mill Village) | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 5-1: The Mersey River (Kejimkujik Lake to Lake Rossignol) | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 5-2: The Mersey River (Lake Rossignol to Liverpool) | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 6: The Petite River | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 7: The Pleasant River | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 8: The Lower Shelburne River | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route 9: The Wild Cat River | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, River Route: Additional River Suggestions | South Shore Region |
| Paddle Lunenburg/Queens, Wilderness Ethics | South Shore Region |
| Paddle South Canoe and Kayak Rentals | Mahone Bay |
| Pajo's Bowling, Lunenburg Bowling Alley, Pajo's Investments Inc. | Lunenburg |
| Par-en-Bas Track | Tusket |
| Parent & Tot Swim Lessons | Bridgewater |
| Parent and Tot Playgroup, South Shore Family Resource Association | Lunenburg County |
| Parents and Tots Gym time at Ecole Pubnico-Ouest | Middle West Pubnico |
| Parents of Wickwire | Liverpool |
| Parents' Place, Yarmouth Family Resource Centre | Yarmouth (town) |
| Parents Place Community Garden | Yarmouth (town) |
| Park View Education Centre, South Shore Regional School Board | Bridgewater |
| Parkdale/Maplewood Community Hall, Association | Maplewood |
| Parkdale/Maplewood Emmanuel Baptist Church | Parkdale |
| Parkdale-Maplewood Community Museum | Barss Corner |
| Parkinson's Society Nova Scotia | Central Region |
| Parks Canada BioBlitz, Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site | Maitland Bridge |
| Paroisse Ste-Agnés | Quinan |
| Patchwork Pals Quilters Guild of Sainte-Anne-du-Ruisseau | Ste. Anne du Ruisseau |
| Peaceful River Campground | River John |
| Pearl Chapter No. 71, Order of the Eastern Star | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
| Pearl Theatre | Lunenburg |
| Pedal & Sea Adventures, Bike Tours | Black Point (HRM) |
| Pembroke Community Hall | Pembroke |
| Penny Lane Enterprises | Milton (Queens Co.) |
| Pentz Elementary School, South Shore Regional School Board | LaHave |
| PET Projects Society, Beulah Burman Memorial Animal Shelter | Eastern Shelburne County |
| Petite Rivière Elementary School, South Shore Regional School Board | Petite Riviere |
| Petite Riviere Volunteer Fire Department | Petite Riviere |
| Piau's Walk | Belliveau's Cove |
| Pick up Basketball at Barrington Municipal High School | Barrington Passage |
| Pickleball, Liverpool Pickleball | Liverpool |
| Pickleball Drop-in Program, SRHS Community Use | Eastern Shelburne County |
| Picnic in the Park, Family Fun for Free -- live music from 6:00 to 8:00 pm on Tuesdays in July and August, Lordly Park, Chester | Chester |
| Pig Roast at Lordly Park, Chester | Chester |
| Pine Grove Archery Club | Pine Grove |
| Pine Grove Outdoor Play Park Volunteer Day, Canada 150 | Wileville |
| Pine Grove Park, Walking Trails | Milton (Queens Co.) |
| Pine Grove Stable | Blockhouse |
| Pinecrest Park and Playground | Bridgewater |
| Pinegrove Outdoor Play Park Volunteer Day, To celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Canada, give back to your community by volunteering! | Pine Grove |
| Pinehurst Community Hall | New Germany |
| Pinehurst Rebekah Lodge #95 | Liverpool |
| Plant to Plate Community Garden | Liverpool |
| Playground, Townsend Street | Lunenburg |
| Playground, Victoria Road | Lunenburg |
| Playground, Medway Street, 250th Anniversary Park | Lunenburg |
| Playgroups | Bridgewater |
| Playing with Clay Workshops | Mahone Bay |
| Pleasant Paddling | Blue Rocks |
| Pleasant River Community Club | Pleasant River |
| Pleasant River Community Hall | Pleasant River |
| Pleasantville & District Fire Department | Pleasantville |
| Pleasantville & District Fire Department, Auxiliary | Pleasantville |
| Plymouth Multi-purpose Court | Plymouth (Yar. Co.) |
| Plymouth School | Plymouth (Yar. Co.) |
| Plymouth School Gymnasium | Plymouth (Yar. Co.) |
| Ponhook Lodge Campground | Greenfield (Queens Co.) |
| Pont du Marais | Lower West Pubnico |
| Pork Roast Supper - Take Out Only, Fundraiser | Lunenburg County |
| Port Clyde Trail | Municipality of the District Barrington |
| Port Clyde United Church, Clyde Carleton Pastoral Charge | Port Clyde |
| Port Clyde Volunteer Fire Department | Port Clyde |
| Port Clyde Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary | Port Clyde |
| Port Joli Beach | Port Joli |
| Port Joli Community Association, Port Joli Community Hall | Port Joli |
| Port L'Hebert Provincial Park, Trail | Granite Village |
| Port Maitland Beach Provincial Park | Port Maitland |
| Port Maitland Family Beach Party, Yarmouth Recreation's Annual Beach Party | Port Maitland |
| Port Maitland Volunteer Fire Department | Port Maitland |
| Port Medway Fire Department | Port Medway |
| Port Medway Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary | Port Medway |
| Port Medway Lighthouse Park | Port Medway |
| Port Medway Parents & Tots | Port Medway |
| Port Medway Readers’ Festival | Port Medway |
| Port of Shelburne | Shelburne (town of) |
| Port of Yarmouth | Yarmouth (town) |
| Port Saxon Leisure Hour Club | Port Saxon |
| Portrait Photography | Bridgewater |
| Positive Parenthood - Prenatal Series, What you give energy to creates life | |
| Preschool Playground, Nova Scotia Community College - NSCC | Yarmouth (town) |
| Primetimers | Bridgewater |
| Prince of Wales Historic Dancers | Shelburne (town of) |
| Prince of Wales Lodge (Masonic) | Milton (Queens Co.) |
| Private / Semi Private Swimming Lessons | Sherose Island |
| Privateer Days, Privateer Days Commission | Liverpool |
| Privateer Farmer's Market | Liverpool |
| Privateer Park | Liverpool |
| PRO Kids, Municipality of the District of Chester | Chester |
| PRO Kids, Municipality of the District of Lunenburg | Lunenburg County |
| PRO Kids, Town of Bridgewater | Bridgewater |
| Provincial Volunteer Week, Municipality of the District of Lunenburg | Bridgewater |
| Provincial Water Polo Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Pubnico & Area Lions Club | East Pubnico |
| Pubnico Branch Library, Western Counties Regional Library Board | Pubnico |
| Pubnico Point Trail | Lower West Pubnico |
| Pubnico Point Wind Farm | Lower West Pubnico |
| Pubnico South Ballfield | Lower West Pubnico |
| Pubnico Walkers, Pubnico Walking Group | West Pubnico |
| PürTherapy Wellness Centre | Yarmouth (town) |