Lake Rossignol - Mersey River to Shelburne River
Record #:
Last Modified:
11 Apr 2019
Last Full Update:
17 Nov 2017
Public Bulletin | Neither South Shore nor the Region of Queens Municipality own or control the canoe routes, portages or boat launches listed, and assume no responsibility or liability for the safety of those using the canoe routes or walking the portages. It is recommended that users approach all canoe routes and portages in a safe and responsible manner. Conditions can change through fluctuating water levels, natural debris, and logging activity. South Shore and the Region of Queens Municipality are not liable for any errors or omissions in this listing. |
Located In | South Shore Region |
Where To Find Us | West Caledonia, NS |
Website | | | |
Phone | 902-354-5741 |
Description & Services
Information | Access: Fishermen’s Memorial Highway 103, Exit 19, turn right towards Milton on Route 8, follow Route 8 to Caledonia approximately 55 km, turn left onto the West Caledonia Road for approximately 5 km, turn left on the Devonshire Road, follow the Devonshire Road for approximately 15 km to the Mersey River Bridge. Put in below the bridge at the boat launch. Skill Level: Expert Distance: Approximately 12 km (one way) This advanced route is designed to introduce the expert canoeist to some of the vast wilderness of Queens County's great outdoors. The route will transport the explorer along the rocky shores of Lake Rossignol in search of the mouth of the historic Shelburne River. Along the way, stony beaches, tall pines and interesting driftwood mingle with numberous coves and the haunting calls of far off loons. The journey starts on the shores of the Mersey River, then travels southerly along the Mersey River to Lake Rossignol. From Lake Rossignol, the traveler heads westerly toward the mouth of the Shelburne River, exploring small coves and little islands along the way. Once at the mouth of the Shelburne River, there is the opportunity to take a walk and search for a boat house reported to have been owned by the very famous writer, Zane Gray, nestled on the north shores of this great river. Notes & Precautions: Take note that Lake Rossignol can be a very dangerous lake and should be treated with respect. Due to the size and depth of the lake, winds and swell can be very dangerous and strike without warning. Travelers are encouraged to allow for extra time when planning a trip. Also note Lake Rossignol is an all access lake, so be prepared to encounter motor craft. |
Special Information
Tags | Boat Launch ; Canoe/Kayak ; NS Trail Guide ; Recreation Categories ; South Shore Connect |